According to Dia Diwan:

Yes, we all care about fashion, art and where to buy the latest delicious cupcakes – but there is an area of utmost importance that doesn't seem to mobilize us as much, and that’s making our cities cleaner and greener places to live in.
Now, a group of environmental activists operating with the support of Jeddah’s Chamber of Commerce and Municipality has launched a citywide recycling campaign.
Under the name Recycle Your City, the group aims to establish recycling in offices, schools, public buildings and eventually of course, in homes across the city. Did you know that 62% of all waste in an average office is paper that can be recycled?
The idea for the this long awaited recycling campaign originated with Noura Alturki, a young Saudi employee at Jeddah’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who connected with an online group of environmental activists led by Nour Fityani. Together, they organized a recycling program at Jeddah’s Chamber of Commerce under the umbrella of the Environment Committee (hooray for them!). The campaign is now comprised of seven founding members who work for different companies and also represent two environmental organizations: Mawakeb Al-Ajr and Annabta Association.
Their Goals:
* Solve urban solid waste problems by promoting recycling as one of the alternatives to dumping, burning and burying practices.
* Support organizations and individuals who want to recycle.
* Create awareness amongst people on how they can protect the environment and promote a healthier, greener and more sustainable lifestyle.