عن أنس رضي الله عنه عن الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: إِنْ قَامَتْ السَّاعَةُ وَفي يَدِ أَحَدِكُمْ فَسِيلةٌ، فَإِنْ اسْتَطَاعَ أَنْ لاَ يَقُومَ حَتَّى يَغْرِسَهَا؛ فَلْيَغْرِسْها

Anas bin Mālik relates that the prophet (peace be upon him) said: "If the Hour arrives and in the hand of one of you is a Faseelah and if he could stay until it was planted; So let him plant it."

Friday, December 24, 2010

Big Meeting This Sunday: December 26, 2010

With a new set of enthusiastic ideas, we're having another meeting for interested people to join Faseelah, or just give us ideas and see what we're about!

Sunday, December 26, 2010
1:30 - 2:30
ENG 107

We'll be discussing:
  1. An official club plan for next semester
  2. Discussed volunteering opportunities with affiliates
  3. What's been happening lately
Bring anyone interested and with ideas!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome Back Faculty, Employees, and Students

Salams All,

Effat's environmental organization, Faseelah(فَسِيلَةُ) is recruiting new members from the Effat community (including faculty and employees).

Learn more about our Islamically driven aspirations, and apply by clicking here if you're a student. If you're not a student and don't have the effat.edu.sa email, click here.

Goals and How You Can Help

Anyone who has taken part in an environmental group knows how hard it is to find other groups. One goal of ours is to keep connecting them to make a real difference in Jeddah. We have officially made deals with some to stay in touch and use each other's resources.
We need members to keep track of them.

Making Effat Eco-friendly
"Green" universities are becoming mandatory! The educated community is realizing more and more how important it is to conserve Earth, including Harvard and Yale, among so many others. It's even becoming something people look for while applying to universities.

And it's so easy to make Effat more eco-friendly than it is! Here are some objectives we're aiming for (it's a lot harder than it sounds). We want to get:

  • Awareness movies to be played regularly

  • Effat to use paper cups at the coolers instead of plastic

  • A recycling system implemented permanently

  • The Effat community to stop littering

  • The lights and projectors off when they're not used

  • Computers and lights to be turned off automatically at the end of the day (they sometimes stay on overnight for no reason)

  • The restaurant to pack up food in a more eco-friendly way (no plastic!)

  • Energy efficient lighting all around campus

Spreading Awareness
It's so important and easy to respect what Allah has given us, but most of us just don't know. We want to spread the word on:

  • How destructive littering is

  • The importance of using reusable and reused products, like bottles and bags

  • How the majors available can help the planet when our students graduate

  • What environmental organizations there already are

  • What people are already doing in Jeddah

  • What the world is doing to become sustainable

  • The perks of vegetarianism

  • How the Saudi government is encouraging renewable power, water conservation, and sustainability

Celebrating International Events
This year we hope to bring awareness to international efforts concerning the environment.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Green Your Searches II: Ecosia

Much earlier, we posted search engines that were made to be eco-friendly. A search engine is a website that helps you search for anything on the Internet, like Google.

We mentioned how Blackle by Heap Media saves energy by having a black background because it takes less energy to show the color black. Unfortunately, the energy-saving power of Blackle only applies to CRT screens (those older monitors with the really big box in the back). Now that current monitors are LED displays, it doesn't do much to use the site.

The post also had Ripple, a great search engine that has all its profit from your search go to the charity of your choice, including Grameen Foundation Australia and WaterAid. The last site was Green Maven which is basically an amazing eco-friendly online directory.

This update is about Ecosia. This site really makes a difference to the environment because at least 80% of its profits go towards saving rainforest. Each search saves 2.4 yd² (2.2 m²) of rainforest and they've already saved 181,690,869 yd² (166,138,131 m²) to date. They're backed by Bing, Yahoo, and WWF (the World Wide Fund for Nature), and I'll let their video tell you the rest.

You can check out their statistics of what's happening, browse their FAQs, and install Ecosia in your browser if you have Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Opera.

They're still working on the Safari add-on because of Apple's settings, but you can install a program called Glims that can personalize your search settings. On a side note, Glims also allows you to add Facebook, Wikipedia, Google Images, etc. to Safari, which is pretty cool.

What Glims can do on Safari

If you need any help with installation after installing Glims, you can email us. Happy browsing.

Friday, June 18, 2010

What Happened to All of Faseelah's Plans?

They're there! We just need to get through exams.

We have tons of updates for you guys and a great new look for the site :)

UPDATE: A spectacular Faseelah member linked me to a site, and the first thing I see is:
Sounds familiar, huh?

InspiredByMuhammad.com is everything I wanted Faseelah to work towards. Guys, this movement is getting bigger and stronger. This is the time that people want to put the humanity back into humanity.

It made my day.

See you after finals! Good luck!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saudi Environmental Society (SENS)

Here's some basic information on the Saudi Environmental Society. You may recognize them from the billboards about the littering fine campaign. If you know of any other widespread initiatives they've taken, please let us know.


To support the governmental effort by providing advisory, research and educational services, in partnership with public and the private sectors in addition to the civil society organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to strengthen cooperation and coordination among them in the field of environmental protection to achieve environmentally sustainable development in accordance with international standards.


SENS to be by the end of 1433 a leading non-for-profit organization, and a distinctive environmental center which has an effective contribution in the field of environmental protection to achieve environmentally sustainable development through genuine partnership with all stakeholders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia community, in accordance our religion besides international environmental standards.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Earth Hour Jeddah 2010

Earth Hour was a success! Granted, compared to other countries, it didn't seem as much, but many hearts and lights were affected by the event in Jeddah.
The Facebook event, Earth Hour '10 JEDDAH, is thought to be a huge contributor to what set the the eco-friendly wheels in motion. Started by an average woman living in Jeddah, it spread awareness to the extent that the Saudi Wildlife is believed to have made their own Earth Hour site because of it.
To commemorate the hour, the promoters of the event have a must-see blog. It keeps track of all that happened during the hour, and was a great way of keeping people up to date with the awareness campaigns.
Unfortunately, the Saudi Wildlife appears to have its limits. Near to no roundabouts had their lights off. The Supporters' Map didn't have many supporters in Jeddah, but that's because a lot of people put in the zipcode wrong, so they showed up in different places.
So we didn't get it 100%, but it was lovely seeing many businesses participate, like Al Baik, Rosewood Corniche, Ikea, SABB, NCB, Il Villagio, Berlitz, Saudi Gazette, What's Up Jeddah, and so many more.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

I know you've seen the email, so just remember that candles can be bought in the restaurant and the following:

Earth Hour

This is to brief you about "Earth Hour", an upcoming international event (this Saturday) that we'll be working on over the weekend.

March 27, 2010
From 8:30pm to 9:30pm, the "Earth Hour"

We're really proud to have Saudi Arabia working towards participating in this movement. Be sure to join in on the Facebook event, read the Earth Hour Jeddah blog, and REGISTER!!!! (In "Post Code", write your district as it is on Google Maps, you can also zoom in and find it, like Ash Shati')

Earth Hour

Log In To Earth Hour

Earth Hour Lanterns

Monday, March 22, 2010

World Water Day '10

"Algae and You" by Abdulhakeem Jomah
Sunday, March 21st 2010

To help raise awareness of World Water Day, the Effat Environmental Club organized two presentations dealing with water-related issues. The first one, about algae and water-borne diseases, was presented by Abdulhakeem Jomah. And truth be told, I was not expecting to be completely captivated by the lecture. Although I, much to my surprise, was. I think a lot of that can be attributed to the style of the lecture, which was almost diametrically opposed to the usual lectures, what with their dry, monotonous presentation. This lecture, on the other hand, revolved around a Power-point presentation that was enhanced with cute animations that were quite refreshing from the played out diagrams and tables filled with meaningless statistics. It was also peppered with strange (but interesting) facts and entertaining anecdotes. Mr. Jomah was a confident presenter and he across more like a gregarious host than someone who talks down to other people. It was invigorating to hear from someone who studies here, and who is also in the same age bracket. I am reasonably confident that the 60 girls who attended left entertained and having gained an understanding of just how significant water is in our day to day existence; I certainly did, along with the added insight of the apparent uselessness of hand sanitizers. And, it goes to show that if one is interested in the environment, we can all make a difference, no matter how limited the resources and where we are. 
Written by Iram Rizvi

"Experiences in Niger"
 by Ziad Jarrar
Monday, March 22nd 2010

Mr. Ziad Jarrar discusses his experiences in Niger, a country in Western Africa bordering Nigeria, Algeria and Libya. He traveled with 11 other young Saudi's and participated in activities to help out children at the orphanage and build a well. His lecture created a huge impact on the audience.

Purchase your own Special Water for 6 riyals. All funds will be put towards Faseelah's World Water Day 2011 project (still being finalized).

Earth Hour
Keep your eyes peeled for Earth Hour, which is on Saturday, 27th of March!

Earth Hour

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Official Introduction to Spring '10

Here's a brief introduction to what we have planned. The club has a new identity to help promote our objective:

"To encourage, educate, and set an example for the Effat community by promoting an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way of life, through the principles of Islam."


(pronounced "Fa-see-lah") is the new name for the club. It is known as "the part of a palm tree that is planted so another can grow from it" and was inspired by this ḥadīth (ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī Muslim):

"If the Hour came and in one's hand was a faseelah, and if he could stay until it was planted; then he should plant it"

How the club works:

1. We don't have just one person making all the decisions. Everyone in the club is encouraged to give in their input.

2. There are 5 different groups of members in Faseelah:

Core members
They do the most for the club like plan events, design the calendar, communicate with outside organizations and other clubs, and manage all the other members.

Second-in-command members
They help the core members by implementing the confirmed plans and acting as backup incase a core member needs help. Click here to see a list of the second-in-commands.

Event & campaign members
They help with every event and campaign. Mostly the week before and during the event, they help the core members and second-in-commands contact sponsors and affiliates, set up the venue, advertise, etc. Click here to see a list of the event & campaign members.

Event & campaign volunteers
They volunteer and work alongside the event & campaign members for some of the events. Click here to see a list of the event & campaign volunteers.

They help us when they can because their schedules are too hectic. We're very grateful to them :) Click here to see a list of all the extras.

Non-members also play a big part in Faseelah. They can make suggestions, volunteer as extras, help us collaborate with other organizations, and much more.

What we have planned:

Our goals for the semester is to:
• Stop littering on campus
• Implement policies in Effat to make the campus "Greener"
• Work with clubs, different majors, and outside organizations to help educate the Effat community and spread news about Faseelah's efforts.
• Have awareness campaigns for international environmental events like World Water Day, Earth Hour, and Earth day.

Here's hoping for a productive semester